I held ur hand..n walkd the road
of which i nevr thot before..
n u guided me thru the dark niches
wid u it seemed i can cross a thousnd ditches
u looked at me..n told me every time
dat u r wid me ..only me..u sounded sweetr den a windchime
wen i was scared n distraught
u were dere 2 tell me dat u luvd me..a lot..
n when i askd u if u wud eva fly away
cuz den i wont b able 2 handle myslf...frm the path Of lyf...i wud stray..
n u hushed me n reassured
dat il always b curld in ur arms secured..
bt fate..betrayed me..cuz u cud never
n came a night..it ws raining..like i had neva seen ever...
a bolt of lightning struck me deep within
n i woke up 2 find u gone..n i ws scared again..din noe where 2 begin..
n i ws in de middle of sum where..which i had neva seen
dis course..i knew i had seen before with u..it ws soo bful...
n nw 2 my fear it has turnd chilling
i kept asking myself where u went..cuz no1 else was there
n winds kept tellng me..am all alone..realy i dnt want to be alone i m nothin widout u n i cant live plz nw tk cr of everythin.i trust u alot